Styles and Assets

Greenwood generally does not have any opinion on how you structure your site, aside from the pre-determined pages/ and (optional) templates/ directories. It supports all standard files that you can open in a web browser.


Styles can be done in any standards compliant way that will work in a browser. So just as in HTML, you can do anything you need like below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" prefix="og:">

      html {
        background-color: white;

      body {
        font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/some-page.css"/>

    <!-- content goes here -->



For convenience, Greenwood does support an "assets" directory wherein anything included in that directory will automatically be copied into the build output directory. This is the recommended location for all your local images, fonts, etc. At this time, anything that is not referenced through an import, @import, <script>, <style> or <link> will not be handled by Greenwood.


To use an image in a markdown file, you would reference it as so using standard markdown syntax:

# This is my page


You can do the same in your HTML

  <h1>Welcome to My Site!</h1>
  <img alt="logo" src="/assets/images/logo.png" />

In your JavaScript, you can also use a combination of new URL and import.meta.url which means you can put the file anywhere in your project, not just the assets/ directory and it will be resolved automatically! For production builds, Greenwood will generate a unique filename for the asset as well, e.g. logo-83bc009f.svg.

We are looking to improve the developer experience around using new URL + import.meta.url as part of an overall isomorphic asset bundling strategy. You can visit this GitHub issue to follow along.

const logo = new URL('../images/logo.svg', import.meta.url);

class HeaderComponent extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    this.innerHTML = `
        <h1>Welcome to My Site!</h1>
        <!-- handles nested routes / deeplinking, e.g. -->
        <img src="${logo.pathname.replace(window.location.pathname, '/')}" alt="Greenwood logo"/>

customElements.define('x-header', HeaderComponent);

If you like an all-the-things-in-JS approach, Greenwood can be extended with plugins to support "webpack" like behavior as seen in the below example for CSS:

import styles from './header.css';

const logo = new URL('../images/logo.svg', import.meta.url);

class HeaderComponent extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    this.innerHTML = `
        <h1>Welcome to My Site!</h1>
        <img src="${logo.pathname.replace(window.location.pathname, '/')}" alt="Greenwood logo"/>

customElements.define('x-header', HeaderComponent);